Always know what is being said about your brand in the broadcast media.
Television remains the number one news source for all age groups. It is also the single most influential medium for distributing information and shaping public opinion.
We record and monitor all of the news all of the time. From top TV stations to the smallest TV stations and everything in between, we are recording and monitoring local and national TV news on behalf of our clients.
In addition to TV news, we record and monitors hundreds of radio stations. If tracking of radio mentions is not included as part of your current media monitoring service, you are not getting the full picture of how your story is being told on one of the most powerful mediums for how people stay informed. We know radio news is an important component of the news monitoring process.
Our broadcast news monitoring service provides real time alerts of media mentions. The service also includes unlimited previews of TV and radio news clips.
Measurement is another key component of our media monitoring service. We provide metrics for every news story reported, including audience data from Nielsen and Arbitron. Subscribers to our broadcast monitoring service also enjoy a powerful set of web based tools for reporting, sharing, and analyzing their media coverage.